  • 期刊


An Analysis of Destination Brand Equity - A Study of Taiwanese Tourism Factories


相較於多數旅遊目的地,既能適度滿足人們感官與自我需求,且能享受過程樂趣的非觀光工廠莫屬。國內雖有文獻探討觀光工廠的遊憩行為,卻鮮少從目的地品牌權益切入。因此,本研究以國內四家觀光工廠為題材,探討國人對觀光工廠品牌權益的認知;同時也驗證Boo et al.(2009)模型的適用性。依據220份有效樣本,本研究發現:(1)品牌權益裡,以旅遊目的地品牌知名度較高,而目的地品牌形象較低;(2)Boo et al.(2009)模型並未完全適用在本研究;(3)如果原有旅遊目的地品牌體驗雙構面單純只有目的地品牌品質時,本研究所有假設全部成立。


By contrast to majority of travel destinations in Taiwan, no one but tourism factory can moderately satisfy people's senses and self-needs as well as enjoy the fun thorough the travel processes. Though many domestic studies have concerned with tourist behavior on tourism factories, few of them set destination brand equity (DBE) as entry point. Therefore, this study takes an example of four Taiwan's tourism factories and explores people's conception of DBE and validates the model applicability of Boo et al. (2009). Based on 220 valid respondents, we find that (1) destination brand awareness (DBA) is the highest score and destination brand image (DBI) is the smallest one in the DBE index; (2) the model of Boo et al. (2009) seems not so suitable for our study; (3) if two-dimensional construct of destination brand experience (DBEX) can be simply reduced to a single-dimensional construct (destination brand quality; DBQ), all these hypotheses are supported.


Destination Brand Equity Tourism Factory


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