  • 期刊


The Development of All Purpose Power Transporter for Rural Carry and Transportation


本研究以民國八十八年度經濟部工業局專案計畫中己研發之「輕型農村搬運代步車」為基礎,研製改良小型農村搬運代步車輛乙台,所研製之車輛有別於傳統的農地搬運車,目的在於改變一般人對農地搬運車外型呆板、操作不便的刻板印象,並配合農業型態改變所引發的農村代步、搬運及遊憩休閒所需的運輸工具。本車的研製重點包括:機構部份以國產機車引擎做為動力源、結合有段及無段變速器做為變速機構、獨立懸吊式避震系統、機車式操作手把、前鼓後碟式煞車系統等。外型則完全改變傳統搬運車的方正造型,以安全美觀為考量,利用風洞設計流線型外殼,並採用FRP材質製造,輕巧堅固、容易加工。研製完成後參照農委會所訂「農地搬運車性能測定方法及暫訂標準(TS 11)」進行性能測定評估,試驗結果顯示:本車最高速度18 km/h、不含子車時平地最大載重120kg、坡地最大載重80kg、含子車時平地最大載重300kg、坡地最大載重200kg、爬坡能力15°以上,高速煞車時各輪拖動距離均在2.5m以下,連續八小時行走測試亦未發生任何故障現象,研製成果符合當初計畫目標。


農地搬運車 FRP:ATV


This research developed a new type of small rural power transporter (the new transporter) by modifying a rural light transporter developed in a project funded by IDB (Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs) in 1999. In addition to rural transportation, the new transporter was also designed for rural recreational activities to meet the needs due to the change of Taiwanese rural style in the recent years. Maneuverability, appearance, and safety, as well as transportation performance were the main concerns in design and manufacturing. A Taiwan-made motorcycle engine was used as the power unit to insure the supply and to reduce cost. Independent suspension system, handle bar operation, and drum-disk braking system like those used for motorcycle were adopted in the transporter. Automatic and manual shift transmission systems were both available as option. FRP was used for the outer covering of chassis to cut down weight, to enhance the appearance, and to facilitate the manufacturing and assembly processes. Smooth exterior shape was determined through wind tunnel tests to minimize wind drag. These special features of the new transporters meant to improve the imagine people used to have toward the traditional ones, that is, rough, unsafe, ugly and hard to handle, and made them much more appealing to the customers. Performance tests according to the ”Performance test of rural transporter and standard (TS 11)”, issued by the Council of Agriculture, were conducted to examine the performance of the transporter. Results showed that highest speed of the new transporter was 18 km/s. The climbing maximum ability was 15° Slope. The maximum load carrying capacity was 120 kg on level ground, 80 kg on slope without trailer. If trailer was attached, the capacity increased to 300 kg on level ground, and 200 kg on slope. Maximum hauling distances of all wheels were less than 2.5m at the highest speed. No malfunction resulted from eight hours continuous driving tests. The results satisfied the test requirements and the design goals.


Power Transporter FRP ATV
