  • 期刊


A Study on Ethereum Blockchain and Decentralized Finance


本研究針對以太坊區塊鏈數據資料進行實證研究。截至2021年4月為止,以太坊區塊鏈帳本資料容量已經高達350 GB,並持續以每個月超過30 GB的成長速度繼續增加。面對如此龐大的數據集,我們使用Google BigQuery、Dune Analytics進行以太坊區塊鏈數據資料之提存分析。透過BigQuery提存分析,得知以太坊區塊鏈上交易次數最多的前10名ERC20代幣與ERC721-NFTs;對於去中心化金融DeFi項目方,本文使用Dune平台提存的數據資料。透過資料分析獲取Pickle Finance上擁有Pickle Power的DAO用戶分布情形;此外,也能獲取Harvest Finance上用戶在mSTONK的mTSLA-UST礦池的資產分布情形。研究發現可將Dune平台提存分析結果,運用來結合DeBank、Zapper,及Etherscan等去中心化應用程式DApps,深入研究用戶活動行為及其資產的轉移。最後,本研究建議可針對DeFi項目方在其產生實質價值的部分進行監管,並需針對DeFi開發一種全新的設計法規,將法規方法納入DeFi的協議設計中,以利金融監管權力下放到RegTech確保有效的監督和風險控制。


This research conducts empirical research on Ethereum blockchain data. As of April 2021, the data capacity of the Ethereum blockchain ledger has reached 350 GB, and continues to increase over 30 GB at a monthly growth rate. Faced with such a huge data set, we use Google BigQuery and Dune Analytics to perform data analysis of the Ethereum blockchain. Using BigQuery, these top 10 most popular ERC20 tokens and ERC721-NFTs can be found; for specific DeFi projects, we first use the Dune platform. We then get the current allocation of decentralized autonomous organization users with Pickle Power on Pickle Finance; moreover, it can figure out users' asset allocation in the mSTONK's mTSLA-UST mining pool on Harvest Finance. From this research, Dune platform can be used to combine with decentralized applications such as DeBank, Zapper, and Etherscan to study users' behavior and asset transfer deeply. In the future, DeFi projects should be supervised on the part of its substantial value. Finally, it is necessary to develop a new design regulation for DeFi and incorporate the regulation method into the DeFi's design protocol, so that this financial supervision power will be delegated to RegTech which ensure effective supervision and risk control.


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