  • 期刊


The Succession and Development of Zhu Xi in Nakamura Tekisai's Notes of The Poetry with Collected Commentaries: Centered on the "Implied-Comparison" Style Poems




This study mainly explores how Nakamura Tekisai, a Zhu Xi scholar in the Edo era, interprets the "implied-comparison" style poems from the Classic of Poetry. It intends to understand the characteristics of Nakamura's succession and development of Zhu Xi's The Poetry with Collected Commentaries. Nakamura Tekisai particularly concerns about "the poet's implied comparison" and classifies the "implied-comparison" style poems into "with meaning" and "without meaning." His interpretation of "implied comparison with meaning" has several characteristics. To begin with, Nakamura elaborates the implication from the perspective of "the theory of substance and function" and "the theory of self-cultivation." Second, he advocates interpreting the Poerty by rites and by doing it modifies or compensates for the shortcomings of Zhu Xi's explanation. In addition, he notices the relationship between Han Tang Commentaries and Zhu Xi's The Poetry with Collected Commentaries and modifies the latter from the perspective of the former. As for Nakamura Tekisai's definition of "implied comparison without meaning," there are two conditions. For one, his emphasis on rhymes has been influenced by the works on the Classic of Poetry in the Ming Dynasty. For another, he does not totally neglect the correspondence of the function and auxiliary words and accepts the opinion of Zhu Gongqian of the Yuan dynasty.


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