  • 期刊


Media Literacy in an age of Artificial Intelligence: An exploratory research from HMC


人工智慧的出現,改變了傳播媒體產業的樣貌,影響傳播、科技、娛樂、消費等各個日常生活面向,因此面對人工智慧化的媒介環境,媒體素養方向的調整是必然趨勢。本研究以人機傳播模式( human-machine communication, HMC)檢視人工智慧時代下的媒體素養,以近用資訊和實踐行動為主要討論面向,提供初探性的觀點。研究指出,就近用資訊而言,必須理解假資訊和搜尋引擎背後的關係脈絡,以及對於新聞自動化需要有更結構性的思考。至於實踐行動層次,則是積極地和人工智慧科技對話,進而讓人工智慧科技「被看見」,以試圖反轉科技上的劣勢。本研究提出的社交機器人、演算法和數據行動主義,提供了相關行動案例。


The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has changed the landscape of media industries, including entertainment and communication. This exploratory research aims to examine two main dimensions of media literacy-access to information and action - from the perspective of human-machine communication (HMC). This research indicates that audiences must understand the context of fake news and operation of search engines, and be reflective of automated journalism. In addition, audiences need to actively dialogue with AI and make it "visible." This research provides some example of the practice of socialbots, algorithms, and data activism.


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