  • 期刊


Nursing Care Experience of an End-stage Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patient




This article describes the experience of applying hospice care for a patient with end-stage amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. During the period between 18th and 23rd May 2018, various methods such as conversation, lip-reading, graphic communication, direct care, and non-verbal caring practices were all utilized to collect information on the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual wellbeing of the patient. It was vital to identify if the patient had any health problems such as discomfort, ineffective respiratory clearance, or grief. The principles of palliative care aim to provide individualized comfort care, such as oral care, aromatherapy, massage, and bed baths to maintain body cleanliness. Chest clapping and sputum suction were used to clear and maintain the patient's respiratory tract to alleviate discomfort. To reduce grief, improve quality of life, and enhance self-dignity and peace, talks of religious and spiritual beliefs were used to help the patient to do a life review to achieve the goal of a peaceful, comfortable death. It is hoped this caring experience can serve as a reference for future nurses with similar patients in aims to help those patients pass away peacefully. The implementation of palliative care for the patient enabled the family to come to terms with the patient's death bringing about a peaceful ending with a happy goodbye, making it smoother for the patient, the family, the process, and the whole team.


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