  • 期刊


Palliative Care Experience in a preschooler with cancer




This article was a nursing care experience about palliative care in a preschooler with cancer. We used hospice and palliative care to give care to body, mind, spirit and society support for child and parents, when child was unwell, anxious and fear of death as well as parents facing the pain of losing a child. The nursing period was from Feb 1, 2018 to Feb 22, 2018, and by using Marjory Gordon eleven functional health patterns, we collected the data of physical assessments, observations, conversation and medical chart review during the clinical practice. We found that the nursing assessment clarified certain nursing issues including: chronic pain, death anxiety, and anticipatory grief of parents. During the care process, we used the concept of holistic all-round care and integrated with the hospice team resources to provide individual care, relieve pain and discomfort with drugs and non-drugs, establish relationships with patient and family and gain their trust, listen and accompany, give care and psychological support. We also led patient and family members to express feelings and release sadness, so that they can reduce death anxiety and grief, and thereby improve their physical and mental comfort.


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