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Discussion on the change of funeral culture in Taiwan from the perspective of "eco-friendly natural burial" - Take the Dharma Drum Mountain Life Memorial Garden as an example




In 2002, Taiwan passed the Regulations on Funeral Management to encourage multiple burial practices. On November 24, 2007, the New North City Jinshan Environmental Protection Life Garden was officially opened, which promote the trend of eco-friendly natural burial. By interviewing the families who adopted green burial in DDM Life Memorial Garden, this study attempts to understand the reasons why people chose eco-friendly natural burial through semi-structured interviews and data analysis. We would try to find out the ideas and practices of family members who accept eco-friendly natural burial in the face of traditional tomb sweeping and ancestor worship culture, as well as the natural burial's impact on the traditional ancestor beliefs and the memorial customs for the dead. From the conclusion of the interview, most of the reasons for supporting eco-friendly natural burial can be summarized into four points. (1) The rise of environmental awareness and rethinking on traditional funeral culture. (2) Changes in family structure have indirectly altered the connotation and form of ancestor worship. (3) the eco-friendly natural burial's idea of "into the earth for peace" is consistent with traditional "geomantic beliefs". (4) The environmental education provided by DDM Life Memorial Garden and the upgrade of public perceptions for life and death issues. We find the root causes of changing in traditional funeral and burial customs are social shifts and other factors, which further altered the way of ancestor worship. The analysis results show that eco-friendly natural burial does not affect the spirit of memorial customs for the dead, but only change the sacrificial form of tomb sweeping. Modern people do not stick to the old tomb sweeping practice, but emphasize the emotional expression to memorize their ancestors, which is also a kind of filial piety.


《葬書》。(傳)晉郭璞撰。 (因為作者沒有定論,加上「傳」)
David K.Jordan(2012)。《神.鬼.祖先:一個台灣鄉村的民間信仰》。丁仁傑譯。臺北:聯經。
The Natural Death Center,網址為 http://www.naturaldeath.org.uk/
