  • 期刊


A Study of the Cultural Perspectives after the Catastrophe and the Funeral Planning without Remains - Taking the Villagers of Xiaolin as an Example


莫拉克風災中遭滅村的小林村村民掙扎於「活要見人、死要見屍」的信念與實際執行面的困境中,到底挖與不挖掘遺體,決策反覆。最後在小部分有遺體、大部分沒有遺體的情形下辦竣奠(祭)儀式。本文試圖從小林村民實際遭遇重大災難過程中,所遭遇到的遺體有無之喪禮進行過程,探討其對喪禮文化之價值觀點,採用實地訪談法探討小林村民的偶像崇拜及祖先崇拜之價值觀點、遺體挖掘之矛盾觀感、無遺體之遺憾 及遺體替代之撫慰等。研究結論如下:一、小林村人具偶像崇拜及祖先崇拜的價值觀,但入土為安已非必然;二、受制於客觀環境因素,多數家屬不得不放棄挖掘遺體;三、無遺體的喪禮安排,如能採用替代品象徵亡者,有助於家屬之悲傷調適。根據上述結論,研提建議如下:一、規劃設置骨灰土葬墓園,以滿足入土為安的觀念需求;二、規劃設置紀念公園或衣冠塚,以利家屬祭祀及悼念;三、提供替代品象徵亡 者並配合儀式流程,以提升家屬的撫慰效果。


Taiw Xiao Lin Village was destroyed by the Typhoon Morakot and villagers struggled with the dilemma between the faith of "seeing the lives or to see the corpses." There is also the practical difficulties in the implementation, - whether to dig or not to dig up the remains. The people's decisions changed repeatedly. At the end, the funeral ceremony finished with those victims who had partial remains or without remains. This study adopted the field research method to explore the Xiao Lin villagers' cultural value system of idolatry and ancestor worship, contradictory perception of body excavation, regret of no body, comfort of body replacement, etc. from the funeral process encountered with or without remains. This study concludes that: firstly, Xiao Lin Village with idolatry and ancestor worship values, and it could be unnecessary to bury the remains ritually; second, by the limitation of objective factors of situation, most families had to abandon exhumations; third, it is helpful for family dependents comforting sorrow by the dead's replacement on the non-remain funeral. Based on the above conclusions, this study suggests as follows: firstly, to set up ashes burial cemeteries to help family dependents comforting; second, to set up a memorial park or cenotaph for family dependents to worship or memory; third, to provide replacement of the dead and to fit in with ritual for raising the effort of comforting.


吳芝儀、李鳳儒(譯)(1995)。Michael Quinn Patton 著。質的評鑑與研究(Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods)。臺北市:桂冠圖書公司。
