  • 期刊


An Analysis of Grammatical Descriptions of Korean Bojosas in <Standard Korean Dictionary> - Focus on Morphological Characteristics and List Definitions




There is a lot of study material available about Bojosa, most studies are based on semantics and pragmatics; while the studies of syntactics concentrate more on all kinds of morpheme that can be in conjunction with Bojosas, as well as their sequence. Different from case particles, Bojosas can be used with particles, adverbials, connective endings, and final endings, but not with nominals. However, not all morphemes connected to Bojosas are the same, therefore scholars have different identification criteria and list definitions about Bojosas. Before the thesis discovers the reasonable identification criteria, we will be investigating <Standard Korean Dictionary> by the National Institute of Korean Language as the source. There are about 60 Bojosas registered in the dictionary, and if we omit the less frequent modern Korean words (such as 곧, 서껀, 손), allomorph (such as ㄴ/은/는, 나마/이나마), and combining-form (such as 치고는), there are 35 Bojosas remaining, in which only 7 Bojosas are not controversial. This thesis will collate opinions of various scholars first. And then to sort out the dictionary descriptions, including semantics, grammatical characteristics, example sentences etc., and discovering the advantages and improvements from the descriptions about the 35 Bojosas. The purpose of this study is to determine the standard methods appropriate for differentiating Bojosas, and to advise on improvement with regard to grammatical descriptions defined by the National Institute of Korean Language. Moreover, the study findings may serve as a guide for further research and studies on Bojosas.


Bak Gideok. “Hangugeo Bojosa Sayongui Jeonje.” Eoneowa Eoneohag 26. 2000.
Bak Jeonggyu. “Pyojun Munbeobeuloseoui Haggyo Munbeob Jeonglibeul Wihayeo.” Ulimalyeongu 34. 2013.
Bak Jinho. “Bojosaui Yeogsajeog Yeongu.” Gugeohag 73. 2015.
Chae Wan. “Hyeondaegugeo Teugsujosaui Yeongu.” Gugeoyeongu 39. 1977.
Chae Wan. “Teugsujosa Moglogui Jaegeomto.” Gugeohag 23. 1993.
