  • 期刊


From Humanistic Education to Buddhist Teaching: Study of Education Principles of Tzu Chi University




Dharma Master Cheng Yen, the founder of Tzu Chi Foundation, has combined the Buddha-Dharma and the virtues of Chinese culture, and suggested "Tzu Chi's Humanistic Culture" as the core of education, revealing the Bodhisattva's ideal of social care and world engagement. Tzu Chi University was founded by Tzu Chi Foundation and under the guidance of Mahayana Buddhism. The university does not emphasize the conversion of faith, but focuses on the cultivation of religious spirits and practices such as engaging community matters, caring for suffering people, performing volunteer services, cultivating virtue, etc. Through the study of Tzu Chi's Humanistic Culture, this article points out that Tzu Chi's humanistic education emphasizes the importance of teaching etiquette and morality. This study employs the content of university logo as well to further analyze the Tzu Chi University's education principles and goals, and describes how the university will do to head for becoming a model university. We also prospect in-depth academic research and philosophical discussions in future development. The positive beliefs promoted by Tzu Chi Foundation, such as wearing uniforms, doing recycling, having vegetarian diet, greening school campuses, saving energy, conserving water, etc. have been put into practice in the university campuses. The faculty members, staff and students have carried them out in their daily lives and tried to realize the value of these practices. We conclude by pointing out that "Tzu Chi's Humanistic Culture" is the unique feature of Tzu Chi University that has made this university stand out in the competitive environment of higher education.


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