  • 期刊

The Influences of Interfirm Networks on the Process of the Firm's Internationalisation and Localisation: A Study of Taiwanese SMEs



企業網絡(Interfirm networks)在中小企業的國際化活動中扮演相當重要的角色。以往研究中對於企業網絡的研究多偏向於企業與海外企業或是跨國企業的連結關係,而對於本土企業網絡對中小企業國際化策略的影響研究則較為少見(Prashantham, 2003),特別是企業在跟隨企業網絡進入海外市場之後,本土企業網絡對其國際化的進程(internationalisation patterns)以及當地化的程度(degree of localisation)研究則更少著墨。 對台灣中小企業而言,以本土企業網絡作為主要架構而進行集團式的國際化可謂是一項重要特徵;以往研究多偏重於其網絡的構成方式以及國際化動機之研究,本研究則進一步探討在藉由企業網絡進行國際化之後,台灣企業在海外市場的營運以及當地化的程度是否亦受原來網絡關係之影響。本研究發現跟隨本土企業網絡進行國際化之中小企業在海外市場成長方面可獲得較佳之績效,而原先本研究假設之網絡關係鏈鎖效應(lock-in effect)之影響則並不如預期顯著;另一方面,在國際化進程以及當地化程度上,本土企業網絡的影響並不顯著,而外在之經濟環境以及海外市場狀況應扮演較重要之角色。


Interfirm networks are influential in the internationalisation process of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The effects of interfirm networks have been examined in a number of studies, however, these studies mostly focus on the network relationships in foreign markets and only little is known specifically about the influence of the domestic interfirm networks in the context of internationalisation (Prashantham, 2003). This may be due to the fact that domestic interfirm networks are usually thought of as only useful in connecting other networks in overseas markets (Johansson and Mattson, 1988). The effects of interfirm cooperations on the internationalisation process of SMEs, however, tend to be ignored in prior empirical research (Gemser et al., 2004). In particular, it is not evident that how the domestic interfirm network relationships may affect the pace and pattern of international market growth of SMEs. This study, therefore, aims to examine the influences of the domestic interfirm networks on Taiwanese SMEs' internationalisation patterns. The Taiwanese firms undertaking different internationalisation approaches, i.e. those that internationalised through the domestic interfirm networks and other forms, were compared in this study. The research propositions were investigated through a series of quantitative tests. Comparisons of the firms revealed several significant differences in the characteristics of internationalisation patterns. These differences reflected the influences of the domestic interfirm networks on the internationalisation process of the Taiwanese SMEs.


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