  • 期刊


Recognition with Demand and the Relative Factors of Home Care Services among Nursing Home Residents' Family


爲瞭解護理之家住民家屬對我國長期照顧服務政策的認知及需求,當初在家屬送功能障礙的住民入住護理之家時,若提供居家照顧服務方案,是否會延遲或不送住民至護理之家,因而減少使用機構式的照顧服務。本研究選定台中市12家立案的護理之家並面訪住民家屬,共得263份住民及其家屬資料,進而探討影響家屬接受政府推行居家照顧服務方案的因素,包括家屬特質、住民特質及健康狀況,居家照顧服務方案包括居家護理、居家服務之家務和日常生活照顧、居家服務之身體照顧、日間照顧、喘息服務等等,以做爲日後發展居家照顧服務方案之參考。 本研究的調查發現,有51.7%照顧者願意選擇居家服務之身體照顧替代機構照顧服務,有50.2%願意選擇日間照顧,49%願意選擇居家服務之家務和日常生活照顧,46%願意接受喘息服務,44.9%願意接受居家護理來替代機構照顧服務的使用,本研究顯示提供居家照顧服務方案有替代四至五成機構照顧的潛力。


To understand the nursing home inhabitants' family members' recognition and demand for the long-term service policy in Taiwan, I proposed and probed into the idea that if we provided the home care service project when the family members sent the inhabitants of functional disability to the nursing home, would it delay sending or let them not send the inhabitants to the nursing home, and hence decrease using the institution care service. The research selected twelve registered nursing homes in Taichung City and interviewed the inhabitants' family members; I got 263 copies of data of inhabitants and their family members, and explored the factors that affected the family members' accepting the home care service project implemented by the government, including the family member characteristics, and the inhabitant characteristics and health condition; the home care service project includes the home nursing, the chores and daily life care home service, the body care home service, the daytime care, and the respite service, etc.; being the reference for developing the home care service project afterwards. Through the investigation, the research found that, 51.7% caregivers were willing to choose the body care home service to replace the institution care service, 50.2% were willing to choose the daytime care, 49% were willing to choose the chores and daily life care home service, 46% were wiling to accept the respite service, and 44.9% were willing to accept the home nursing to replace the use of the institution care service. The factors of being willing to accept the home care service project to replace the institution care are shown as follows. The research reveals that the home care service project has the potential of replacing forty to fifty percent institution care.


