  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of the Confucian Ideas of "sacrifice" in the Late Song Dynasty and the Late Ming Dynasty




宋季 明季 殉節 忠孝 生死


"Sacrifice" is a unique proposition in Confucianism. The sects and festival keepers are often at the time of dynasty replacement. The expression of "sacrifice" in their speech acts is a kind of deep consciousness and philosophy of life, which is related to the external historical environment. Such as judgments on political situation and rule, whether they agree or not. It's also about your own internal thinking and choice. Those with the concept of "sacrifice " are especially influenced by the Confucian and Mencius doctrine. They take the morals of benevolence, righteousness, and loyalty as criteria, and can also define the concept of "sacrifice" as a kind of moral judgment and moral thinking. The purpose of this article is to construct the context of Confucian thoughts on "sacrifice" in the Song and Ming dynasties, and to seek the continuity and discontinuity of Confucians' views on "sacrifice" in this history. In the Song and Yuan dynasties and the Ming and Qing dynasties, a comparative analysis of the situation in which the thinkers have different views on "integrity" and "sacrifice", as well as the spiritual value they want to highlight.
