  • 期刊


Two Kinds of Subjective Idealism: The Establish of Objective World by Husserl and Wang-Yang Ming


胡塞爾(Edmund Gustay Albrecht Husserl, 1859—1938)的現象學理論有兩個括弧(存而不論),一個是意識主體的本質,一個是對象世界的真實性。為何存而不論?因為它是哲學界兩個糾纏不清的問題,如果要待這兩個問題都弄清楚了才來進行他的哲學,那麼他的哲學永遠不會有起始的一天。以當下的意識為起點,對意識及意識所呈現的世界進行現象學描述,這是現象學的第一特質;以自我意識為起點,客觀世界的真偽存而不論,這一下就陷入獨我論的困結。胡塞爾用我意識中有人、我既有意識、他人亦當有與我類似之意識的推論,來保障他人與他心的客觀性。這固然解決了獨我論的困結,卻違背了當初現象學作為無預設的科學的目標;他心是推論的產物,並非來自本質直觀,不是自明的真實;因此,胡塞爾是個不徹底的主觀唯心論者。意識的本質又是一個問題,胡塞爾雖然再三談論純粹意識及現象學觀法,並具體提出本質直觀的步驟和實施,但是我們綜觀胡塞爾的論述,意識的特質就是意向性,意向性即對象性;就算他再怎麼規定,我們都看不出意識能跳脫主客對立的困局。他的純粹意識真能達到主客冥合、轉識成智,當下呈現、是智的直覺嗎?並不樂觀。再者,這是一個修行的問題,意識主體才是大問題,怎可存而不論?出家人念佛打坐五十年,連一秒鐘入定經驗都沒有的滿坑滿谷;定境非悟境,遑論純粹意識能本質直觀、當下呈現了。在胡塞爾的哲學系統中,只抓住了主觀性,客觀性和絕對性都落空了。相較之下,王陽明(1472-1528)是個徹底的主觀唯心論(心性論)者。以本心良知為起點,對象是我心中的對象事物,失其對象義。客觀世界只是一心之感應、一心之申展、一心之遍潤。及至一心充分申展,即主觀即客觀,保住了事物的客觀性;即主觀即絕對,保住了事物的超越性。功夫純熟,則心意知物,一齊收歸一心,都轉化為形上世界;卷之則退藏於密,施之則彌六合。名義上仍是主觀唯心論,這只是理論起點的限制,實際上已經通達客觀唯心論(天道論);世間沒有兩套真實,主心論與客心論在終極點必相通故。一中一西、一高一下、一全一偏、一圓一局,胡塞爾再生,必以吾言為是。


Husserl's (Edmund Gustay Albrecht Husserl 1859-1938) externalism, including ”being but no discussion,” one is the essence of conscious theme and another is the reality of objective world. Why does it be ”being but no discussion?” Because they are two entangled problems in the philosophic field, his philosophy will never begin until these two problems becoming evidence.The first quality of externalism is starting by presenting consciousness and the world of conscious appearance. Starting by self-consciousness true or false of objective world is being but no discussion. In this case, it is fallen into the difficulty of self-discussion easily. Husserl used the self-consciousness containing one person and having own conscious, other people should had the similar conclusion of consciousness with me to protect others and others' externalism. Indeed, others and I are subjective and objective to solve the difficulty of solipsism but it violates the original phenomenology as without the presumptive science goal; other's mind is the discursive products not comes from essence intuition or the reality of self-awareness. Therefore Husserl is an incomplete subjective idealist.Conscious essence is another problem, although Husserl talks about the pure consciousness and the phenomenology point of view over and over again and brings out the essence intuition's procedure and carry into execution specifically. But we make a comprehensive survey of Husserl's discussion; the quality of consciousness is the inclination. The inclination means the denotatum. Even he ruled more, we still couldn't see the difficulty of conscious can escape from the antagonism of subjective and objective. Could his pure consciousness achieve the mix of subjective and objective, turn consciousness to wisdom and show it at present? Well, it seems not optimistic.Furthermore, this is a problem about the Buddhist of practice and the only big problem is conscious theme. Why can it be being but without any discussion? Buddhist read the Buddhist Scripture and meditation for fifty years, but there were still numerous of them without the experience of getting into the stillness in one minute; the still confines isn't as the enlighten confines and let alone that the essence intuition and the pure consciousness could show at present. In the Husserl's philosophy system, he only catches the subjectivity but without the objectivity and absoluteness.On the contrary, Wang-Yang Ming (1472-1528) is an absolute subjective idealist. Beginning from intuitive ability, the object is the thought in my mind, losing its objective meanings. The objective world is only suggested, extend and overspread by one mind. Reach to one mind sufficient extend and the subjectivity namely the objectivity, protecting the objectivity of things. The subjectivity namely the absoluteness, protecting outthink of things. The skillful efforts make notice the things, including body, family, country and world, all things gather one mind and transform into a metaphysics world. Nominally is subjective idealism, this is the limited of the theory beginning. Physically, it has been lead to the objective idealism (natural law theme); there are no two truths in the world because the subjective idealism will intercommunicate with the objective idealism ultimately.East another, west; high, low; whole, part; round and partial, if Husserl reborn, he would agree with me.


