  • 期刊


State Anxiety Following Basketball Activity: The Role of Trait Anxiety and Competitive Situation




The present investigation examined the state anxiety responses to acute basketball activity. College age men (n=48) currently enrolled in a basketball class were recruited to participate. Participants were assigned to high trait-anxiety /competitive, low trait-anxiety /competitive, high trait-anxiety non-competitive, and low trait-anxiety non-competitive groups according to their State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait score, as well as the prescribed condition they performed. Assessments of state anxiety were obtained prior to as well as 5, 10, 20, and 30 minutes following each condition. Additionally, ratings of perceived exertion were assessed immediately following each basketball exercise condition. 2 (Trait Anxiety) 2 (Competitive Situation)×5 (Time) ANCOVA revealed a significant main effect for Trait Anxiety and a significant interaction for Competitive Situation × Time both. Post hoc analyses demonstrated that state anxiety of high trait-anxiety group was higher than that of low trait-anxiety group following basketball exercise. The effect of predisposition on state anxiety following exercise seemed to be greater than that of exercise on state anxiety. The results also indicated that reductions in state anxiety were observed following competitive basketball activity. State anxiety level of competitive group was lower than that of non-competitive group on each measured time following activity. The reductions of state anxiety might depend on the positive emotion individual perceived during exercise processes. It is concluded that the state anxiety responses to acute basketball activity are influenced by trait anxiety level and the situational condition individual participated.


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