  • 期刊

Ecological Validity of Contextual Interference Effects in Motor Learning: A Meta-analysis



情境干擾(CI)假說預測當進行高情境干擾(隨機練習)的練習時,有利於長期的動作學習,但抑制短期的動作表現。而對於低情境干擾(段落練習),會產生逆效應。由於在實際應用上的重要性,生態效度是情境干擾效應最重要的調節變項之一。儘管已有許多情境干擾的研究,但是對於生態效度此變項一直沒有一致的發現。因此本研究旨在使用統合分析對於情境干擾效應提供量化證據以及檢視它在真實運動情境與實驗室情境的調節程度。本研究使用電子化資料庫以及文獻回顧搜尋到122篇在1979年至2005年出版的動作學習領域的英文期刊文章,根據事先制訂的準則取出了336個效果量(effect size),以及採用固定效應模型計算整體效應。生態效度調節變項檢定的結果顯示,真實運動情境的研究未能在獲得期產生情境干擾效應,練習時段的數量不同被解釋為此效應發生的原因。然而在保留期及遷移期卻產生強韌的情境干擾效應,代表隨機練習有益於動作技能學習。根據本研究的發現,體育教學者應該將情境干擾的概念應用於真實運動情境的動作技能教學。


The concept of contextual interference (CI) hypothesis predicts that practicing under high interference (random practice) could restrain short-term motor performance but might facilitate long-term motor learning. Yet, for low interference (blocked group) it has a reverse effect. One of the most important moderator variables of CI effect is ecological validity due to its applicability in practical use. There is still no agreement regarding ecological validity even though a large number of CI related literatures have been conducted. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to provide quantitative evidence for CI effect on ecological validity and to examine how it worked in lab-based and field settings by meta-analysis. 122 published journal articles in English from 1979 to 2005 associated with motor learning were identified from electronic database and synthesis search. A total of 336 effect sizes (ES) were extracted according to criteria a prior. Summary effects were computed using a fixed effects model. Results of moderator tests on ecological validity revealed that no CI effect was observed during acquisition in field-setting studies. A possible explanation was associated with the amount of practice sessions. However, CI effect was so strong during retention and transfer that it proved random practice was beneficial for learning motor skills. According to the findings of this study, physical education instructors and practioners are strongly recommended to incorporate CI notion in teaching motor skills in field-settings.


Psychology Glossary
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