  • 期刊

Task-specificity of Enslaving Effect and movement-related Cortical Potential Associated with Force Transition in multi-finger Force Production





Purpose: The present research was designed to study the role of transition during force production in the enslaving phenomenon. Methods: We examined behaviorally two levels of force production (20% and 60% of MVC) with two different rates of force development (RFD) followed by a static phase, transition of force, and another static phase. Subjects kept all four fingers on separate load cells while using the specified finger to produce the required force which allowed us to measure the enslaving effect on the other fingers. Results: The behavioral results have shown that the index finger revealed the least whereas the ring finger revealed the most force error and force enslaving. In terms of EEG results, the index finger revealed larger movement-related cortical potential (MRCP) whereas the ring finger displayed less amplitude. For the six components of MRCP (BP, MP, MMP(superscript ramp), MMP(superscript static1), MMP(superscript transition), MMP(superscript static2)), the ANOVA indicated a significant main effect of task which the index finger produced higher amplitude of MRCP. Providing with the same RFD on the transition phase, higher amplitudes of MRCP was found during the decrement of force. In other words, the higher MRCP was not only produced on higher RFD but also was found in the decrement of force. Conclusion: Overall, the whole complex of MRCP components during multi-finger isometric force production tasks reflect a combination of factors including the primary end-effector performing the task, the interaction of task, and the amount of nominal force.


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