  • 期刊


The connections between attention and performance effectiveness: A perspective of body awareness theory


實證研究顯示專家採用外在注意力對於運動表現會有正向的效益,根據限制動作假說指出專家採用外在注意力策略有助於保持動作趨近自動化以及有系統化的動作效能。然而,「身體意識理論」提出專家在遇到動作需要修正、重新學習、調整的情況下,會採取身體意識的涉入來維持動作效能。儘管這兩種歷程皆有實證研究支持,但過去研究對於身體意識涉入的注意力歷程較少採用高時間解析度之儀器來驗證,腦波測量因具備高時間解析度的特性可以擷取注意力的動態歷程,而且腦波頻率段 Mu節律(8-13 Hz)與身體意識涉入程度有關,此指標可間接測量身體意識涉入的變化歷程。本文係從外在注意力的相關研究發現,指出過去研究可能忽視內在注意力的重要性,並進一步介紹身體意識理論的研究發現,提出專家在特定情境時,可能需要同時兼顧內在與外在注意力才能維持穩定的表現。最後,建議未來研究可應用腦波儀器來驗證此兩個理論,進一步釐清這兩種注意力焦點對運動表現的影響。


Previous studies have shown that external attention exhibits positive effects on skilled performance. According to the constrained action hypothesis, when expert performers utilize an external focus of attention they may allow the motor system to more naturally self-organize. However, the body awareness theory suggests that when the correction, relearning, and adjustment of motor action are needed, body awareness is helpful for experts to enhance their performance. Although both of these two attention processes have been supported in previous research, using high-temporal resolution technology should be considered to examine the dynamic attention processes. In fact, electroencephalography (EEG), which is high in temporal resolution, has been widely used to capture a dynamic process of attention. Among EEGs, Mu rhythm (8-13Hz) has been considered as an indirect assessment of dynamic processing of body awareness. From this perspective, the present review suggested that previous studies might neglect the significance of internal attention while discussing sport performance in experts. We introduced the findings with regard to the theory of body consciousness, indicating that experts need to lay equal emphasis on both of external and internal focuses of attention in the certain situations for performance effectiveness. Finally, the directions of future research are suggested.


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