  • 期刊


Benefits of long-term exercise interventions on symptoms in children with ADHD: A review


注意力缺陷過動症(attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)是一種慢性及高盛行率的神經發展性疾病,好發於學齡兒童,其主要特徵是注意力不集中、過動/衝動,因此如何去改善相關行為及認知功能上的缺陷,是許多研究著墨的議題。近期研究顯示運動介入對ADHD兒童的認知功能具有潛在效益,且對於外顯行為的改善具有成效,本文目的:(一)統整長期運動介入對ADHD兒童效益之文獻,並以行為表現、認知功能、及其他面向之效益進行探討。(二)為未來研究提出研究建議與方向。方法:以中、英文關鍵詞搜尋網路資料庫(如Web of science, Google scholar, PUBMED, Scopus),並進一步將文獻編碼與分析。結果:文獻統整後顯示,可行之運動課程介入方式包含有氧運動、球類課程運動(如籃球、足球等)、瑜珈、持拍運動等,分別其對注意力、抑制功能和認知彈性有特定之效益。結論:長期運動介入後對ADHD兒童在家長主觀感受、行為評量之問卷,以及認知功能行為表現上皆顯示正面益處,長期運動介入方式可視為ADHD兒童輔助療法的項目之一。


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurobiological disorders in school-aged children. Children with ADHD often behaviors such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which may negatively impact their cognitive and academic performance. Recent studies have shown that exercise interventions can potentially benefit ADHD children's cognitive functions and improve their external behaviors. Purpose: This review was to: 1) summarize the research that examines the effects of long-term exercise on cognitive functions in children with ADHD; 2) explore the possible moderators for this relationship; and 3) provide theoretical and methodological directions for future research. Method: Relevant databases such as Web of Science, Google Scholar, PUBMED, and Scopus were searched using the keywords. The resultant literature was then coded and analyzed. Results: The literature review showed that aerobic exercise, supervised exercise programs (basketball, soccer), yoga, and racket exercise were the accessible exercise interventions, whereas parents' reports, behavioral evaluation measures, and cognitive tests were the major outcome variables. Most research showed that long term exercise interventions are beneficial to some specific cognitive functions, such as attention, inhibition function, and cognitive flexibility in children with ADHD. Conclusion: The review concludes that long-term exercise intervention has the potential to improve cognitive performance and behavioral symptoms in children with ADHD as evaluated by parents' reports, behavioral evaluations, and cognitive tests. Long-term exercise intervention can be considered a complementary treatment for children with ADHD.


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