  • 期刊


A literature review of exercise intervention impacts on cognitive function: A perspective of cognitive load




Exercise has been found to beneficial to cognitive function, especially for the type of exercise with higher cognitive load. However, previous studies have aimed at exercise type as an independent variable in the experimental design rather than cognitive load of the exercise. Few studies have comprehensively explored the effects of cognitive load of exercise on the improvement of cognitive function. From the perspective of cognitive load, this study focused on the benefits of exercise with different cognitive workload on cognitive function and executive function, discussing related issues such as participants, experimental design, intervention protocol, and intensity of cognitive load. We sorted out the similarities and differences in the past studies and explored the optimally cognitive load of exercise that may exhibit better benefits on cognitive function and executive function. The results indicated that compared with the control group without cognitive load or the exercise intervention group with low cognitive load, the exercise intervention with high cognitive load demonstrated better improvement on cognitive functions (attention, working memory, inhibitory control, etc.) and faster response speed and larger P3 amplitude in tasks requiring executive function. In conclusion, individuals of various populations can receive more benefits of cognitive function and executive function from exercise with high cognitive load. The findings of this study provide evidence to support the additional benefits of exercise with germane cognitive workload on cognitive function.


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