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Exploratory Research on Routes of Contact Transmission for Tennis Players-Taking Tennis Ball Cans, Ball Boys, and Water Bottles as Sources


目的:新型冠狀病毒席捲全球,嚴重影響體育界各種活動的舉行,也有多個因接觸性傳染疾病而導致比賽及活動中止的紀錄,但目前尚無探討運動賽事中接觸傳染的相關研究。本研究旨在初探網球選手在比賽過程中出現的接觸傳染,選擇以容易被忽略的接觸項目球筒、球僮及水瓶做為模擬的傳染源。方法:本研究採用單組前後測設計實驗,藉由招募2位網球比賽選手進行一場單打比賽,在不影響比賽進行流程的狀態下,將三個實驗變數:有塗抹螢光劑的球筒、球僮、及賽會所供應的水瓶融入比賽過程中,來瞭解受試者於比賽中接觸螢光劑的傳播狀況。比賽的過程依照國際比賽規則為基準進行。每場實驗結束後,由3位協同研究者評斷可能會造成接觸傳染的部位如受試者臉部、手部及個人用具等是否有螢光劑反應,結果以檢核表、照片及影片記錄。協同研究者的判讀結果用Fleiss Kappa統計法來計算評分者間一致性信度。結果:研究發現,受試者的臉部、手部、衣服及個人物品都能觀察到螢光劑粉末的反應,因此三個實驗變數皆為造成受試者出現接觸傳染。同時藉由影片回顧發現可能造成接觸傳染的途徑及原因,為比賽用球的傳遞及受試者個人的習慣動作。結論:研究結果說明網球比賽過程有造成比賽選手及比賽相關人員的接觸傳染,此初探性研究可應用於賽場清潔消毒的指引、選手使用過的物品的處理方法及採取降低比賽場中接觸傳染的措施,並對未來研究有所啟發。


Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all industries, including the sports industry. Numerous sporting events have been postponed or canceled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The routes of contact transmission during sporting events have not been investigated. This study investigated potential routes of contact transmission involving tennis players, particularly routes that are easily neglected, namely, tennis ball cans, ball boys, and water bottles. These three routes were simulated as sources of infection in this study. Methods: This study used a one-group pretest-posttest experimental design. Two tennis players were recruited to play in a single game. Three experimental variables were used, namely tennis ball cans, ball boys, and water bottles. The game proceeded according to the international rule book. After each experiment, three coresearchers examined the players' faces, hands, and personal equipment to observe the spread of Glo Germ powder. The results were recorded using checklists, photos, and videos. Inter-rater agreement reliability was calculated using Fleiss' kappa. Results: Glo Germ powder was observed on players' faces, hands, clothes, and personal equipment. This observation indicates that all three variables may be routes of contact transmission to the players and workers in tennis matches. Video review revealed that the tennis balls used in the matches and the players' personal habits were the primary sources of contact transmission. Conclusion: The results indicated that tennis ball cans, ball boys, and water bottles may be routes of contact transmission to the players and workers in a tennis match. This exploratory result may inform the methods applied for the cleaning and disposal of the items used by players, strategies to reduce contact transmission in tennis matches, and the design of future research.


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