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Discussing the Gender Differences in Sports Arenas from the Posters of Previous Olympic Games


在運動競技場域上,不同性別運動員之間存在著性別差異問題,是不爭的事實。翻開奧運會的歷史,女性運動員一開始是被限制參加比賽的,但隨著社會、經濟、文化的演變、女權意識高漲及女性的運動能力逐漸被重視,國際奧會 (IOC)在第127屆國際奧會年會無異議通過國際奧林匹克2020改革議題(Olympic Agenda 2020)專案的第11個建議,即主張奧運會男女選手人數應各佔50%,充分展現國際奧會帶頭改善運動競技場上性別差異問題的決心。由於每屆奧運會都會透過發行海報來宣傳理念或傳遞訊息,本文以內容分析法,透過第1屆1896年希臘雅典奧運會至第31屆2016年巴西里約奧運會總計28張奧運海報設計主體,探討運動競技場上存在的性別差異問題。


It was an indisputable fact that there were gender differences between athletes of different gender in sports. Even the biggest the most important sport event, Olympic Games was no exception. Turning to the history of the Olympic Games, female athletes were initially restricted from participating in competitions. However, with the evolution of society, economy, and culture, as well as the rising awareness of women's rights, women's athletic ability has gradually been valued. The International Olympic Games (IOC) ranked 127th of the International Olympic Games Annual Meeting passed the 11th proposal of the International Olympic Agenda 2020 project without objection, that was, the number of male and female Olympic athletes should be 50% each, which fully demonstrated that the International Olympic Games took the leading role in improving gender in sports. Since each Olympic Games would like to publish posters to promote ideas or convey messages, this article used content analysis to explore the main body of the design of 28 Olympic posters from the 1st 1896 Athens Olympic Games in Greece to the 31st 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Brazil to explore the gender differences in sports.
