  • 期刊


Using of Potential Map in Building a Tourism Location Strategy Support System-A Case of Hualien, Taiwan


臺灣由於地理環境特殊,造就出許多獨一無二的美麗景緻,多變化的氣候,更孕育了無數珍貴的天然觀光資源,然而特殊的地理環境卻也成爲天然災害侵襲頻繁的主因。近年來政府積極推動「挑戰2008國家發展重點計畫-觀光客倍增計畫」及「一鄉一特色」等計畫,鼓勵民眾發展觀光。觀光業者爲求充分運用天然資源多選擇於風景秀麗、臨山面海區域進行建設,然而相關區域卻也隱含著救災資源貧乏及災害風險性高的特性。因此,如何兼容觀光經濟發展與災害防治工作,成了目前極爲重要且迫切的工作。 本研究旨在利用既有災害潛勢資訊並在考量觀光產業防災特性下,嘗試建立適用於臺灣花蓮地區觀光產業的區位決策支援系統,期望能提供包括政府部門、產物保險公司及銀行等不同領域使用者必要之觀光災害區位風險資訊,協助其研擬觀光產業相關災害風險管理策略之參考。


觀光產業 災害潛勢 潛勢地圖 GIS


As a result of its distinctive geographic environment and the ever-changing climate, Taiwan is filled with abundant unique natural beauty and precious tourism resources. Nevertheless, those geographic characteristics have also been the main cause of the constant natural disasters. Very recently, Taiwanese government has been actively promoting the ”Challenge of 2008: Key Plans for National Development-Tourism Double Plan” and ”One Township, One Feature Program”, encouraging its people to develop the tourism industry. Eventually, some infrastructural construction has been proceeded by the tourism industry mainly focused in some scenic landscapes, mountainous, and/or seashore areas. Nevertheless, these said areas are also the most potential to some high risks of natural disaster if ignoring the importance of the disaster preventions. Therefore, how to ensure the development of the tourism economy along with the disaster preventions is consequently the most important and imperative measures. Attempt to build a suitable location strategy support system for the tourism industry in Hualien, Taiwan, this study adopted a current disaster potential information along with the consideration of the characteristics of the disaster preventions for the tourism industry. In a hope, this study could as well provide for the government agencies, non-life insurance companies and banks, some necessary disaster potential reference for the tourism industry.


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