  • 期刊


Discussion of ZHOUYI on How to Pursue Good Fortune and Exorcise Evil Forces-To Verify with Morality Principles from Historical Events and the Study of Yi in Song Dynasty




周易 憂患 順止 李光 楊萬里


ZHOUYI is a book that discusses about worries and disasters; The Great Treatise II, indicated that ”The emergence of Yi begun from the time of Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui Dynasty as well as Tang Dynasty. Whoever wrote down Yi, they possessed intuitive attitudes toward possible worries and disasters.” As they felt pessimistic toward the world, their use of languages were full of warnings. They teach people how to think about the formations of crisis and ways of turning around. For instance, speaking of sixty-four hexagrams, such as ”TUN” hexagram, ”PI” hexagram, and ”BO” hexagram, each represents the different crises people might encounter during their lifetimes, in which the functions and meanings hidden to give people warning signs. These are what the scholars of Yi from generations past put emphasis on. Especially in the theories of Yi in the historical events of Song Dynasty, there are a lot of references worthwhile to take as mirror reflection. Thus, people such as Hu Yuan, Cheng Yi, Li Kuang, and Yang Wan Li all provided many theories and historical experiences on the topics. In the study, by actual examples occurred in the history the researcher tries to prove what was mentioned in Yi, to make investigations on several crises- ”It's similar to the act of tying up pocket hole, to make no errors when being cautious”, ”When the bad people are having their ways, people who are righteous are in disadvantage of such situations”, ”To make adaptation to the environments and then things will smooth out eventually”, ”People who are dying are with hard times to extend their talents”, and ”People who are with integrity and kindness, are able to fight against brutalities and win an upper hand, or to be promoted at an opportune time”. With ways of how to turn around on those instances, moreover, from the warnings shown in the historical figures, events and circumstances, It can be reflected on how people should give or take with their actions as being a member between the earth and heaven, as well as on showing people how to react to dangerous environments during the times of changes in order to make things better and at the same time to avoid bad things. In addition, one can improve his own life to higher levels, as well as his own attitude towards life. Finally, to encourage people always keep their integrity even when in sufferings. At the same time, to make perfect on their virtue and advance on their study to create a whole new frontier for themselves.
