  • 期刊


A Study of Constructing Enterprise Business Risk Perception Scale for Hot Spring Hotel Industry


本研究目的乃在建構一份具良好信效度之溫泉旅館業企業經營風險認知量表。經參考相關文獻進行量表題項編製,以全國溫泉旅館主管採分層比例抽樣進行問卷調查,以驗證此量表是否具有良好效度與信度。經回收有效問卷417份,有效回收率72.40%,採LISREL 8.80版統計軟體進行分析,結果顯示企業經營風險認知量表通過模式外在品質檢定,整體模式適配指標:GFI=0.90、SRMR=0.06、RMSEA=0.07、CFI=0.98、NNFI=0.98、PNFI=0.90、CN值=278.09,顯示具良好之建構效度。在模式內在適配檢定上,整體企業經營風險認知量表之組合信度值為0.95,亦顯示具有良好信度。此外,模式亦通過聚合效度與區別效度之檢驗。綜合分析結果,溫泉旅館業企業經營風險認知量表具有良好信度與效度,可作為有效衡量溫泉旅館業企業經營風險之工具。


The purpose of this study was to develop a scale of enterprise business risk perception with good reliability and validity for hot spring hotel industry. The researchers referred to literature and developed items of the scale. Questionnaire survey was used to collect data, 417 valid questionnaires were obtained and valid rate was 72.40%, from managers of hot spring hotels and the participants were selected by proportional allocation sampling and quota sampling in this study. To verify the validity and reliability of the scale by the statistic software of LISREL8.80. From the findings of the analysis, it's found that the scale of enterprise business risk perception has passed the extrinsic quality test with the following overall fit measures: GFI=0.90、SRMR=0.06、RMSEA=0.07、CFI=0.98、NNFI=0.98、PNFI=0.90、CN=278.09. Concerning the test of the intrinsic fit measures of the model, from the composite reliability 0.95, it's shown that the reliability was quite well. In addition, Both the convergent validity and discriminant validity were also supported. The results were shown: the scale of enterprise business risk perception with good validity and reliability was used as instrument to measure enterprise business risk for hot spring hotels.


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