  • 期刊


The Study on Influencing Health & Fitness Application Continuance: Sports Clubs in Taiwan


本研究目的為運用IS接受後持續採用模式檢測運動社團團員持續使用健康與健身APP之意願;研究對象為國內運動社團團員,有效問卷共208份,為88.51%;研究方法為採用SPSS 20.0及SmartPLS 3.0統計軟體做描述性統計及結構方程模式處理資料;本研究結果為:(一)使用健康與健身APP的團員以男生、年齡落於26歲至35歲、月收入為30,001元至40,000元、已使用APP兩年以上、目前使用Garmin及馬拉松世界居多。健康與健身APP的操作模式最符合團員期望,且真的有助於其規律運動或訓練,而運動數據分析上讓團員感到最滿意,並仍持續使用APP意願非常高。(二)確認程度正向影響知覺有用性;確認程度、知覺有用性正向影響使用滿意度;知覺有用性未影響持續使用意向;使用滿意度正向影響持續使用意向;確認程度及知覺有用性透過使用滿意度間接正向影響持續使用意向。本研究依據結果可知使用滿意度是影響持續使用健康與健身APP的重要關鍵。因此,若開發者能設計出更貼近APP使用者需求則可提升持續使用意願。


This study aimed to explore the Health & Fitness app continuance of members in sports clubs by a post-acceptance model of IS continuance; The research subjects are sports clubs members in Taiwan, the valid questionnaires are 208. The effective rate was 88.51 %; The data obtained was analyzed through a variety of statistical methods including descriptive statistics and structural equation model by SPSS 20.0 and SmartPLS 3.0; The results were as follows: 1. The most amounts of users were men, the age range was 26 to 35 years old, the average payment was $30,001 to $40,000 NTD, used APP for the least two years, and using Garmin and Marathon's World app so far. The meeting users' expectations is how to use, they are useful for exercise or training regularly, the most satisfied part is data analysis, and Health & Fitness app continuance gets high scores. 2. Perceived usefulness on confirmation has a significant positive effect; Satisfaction on confirmation and perceived usefulness has a significant positive effect; Continuance intention on perceived usefulness doesn't have a significant effect; Continuance intention on satisfaction has a significant positive effect; Continuance intention on confirmation and perceived usefulness has a significant positive effect through satisfaction. Based on the results of this study, satisfaction is the key point on Health & Fitness app continuance. Therefore, the main thing is to increase continuance intention by satisfying users' demand.


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