  • 期刊


Literature Review and Future Direction of Sports Team Cohesion


團隊凝聚力(team cohesion)在運動團隊成績的表現以及氣氛和諧上扮演著重要的角色,此外,團隊凝聚力更會影響團隊成員在動態過程中的緊密結合。然而,團隊凝聚力卻需要隊伍成員的長時間培養才能發展而成。過去文獻提及團隊凝聚力有不同定義及測量工具,在運動領域中與團隊內各角色息息相關,在不同運動項目中會受到不同競技水準、年齡、角色知覺等因素產生不同變化,亦會因此影響不同的團隊凝聚程度、隊員參與意願以及訓練滿意度等。本研究主要經由文獻探討,首先說明團隊凝聚力之定義與測量,接續,針對國內外團隊凝聚力之文獻進行歸納並提出研究缺口,以做為未來研究方向之建議。希冀提供未來國內選手與教練之運動團隊訓練有所優化以及更多了解,提升我國運動競技水平、提升團隊心理素質等能力,進而提供日後運動訓練實務管理參酌。


Team cohesion plays an important role in the performance and atmosphere harmony of sports team. Cohesion also affects the close integration of team members in the dynamic process. However, team cohesion has to take a long time to develop. Studies have shown that team cohesion in sports has different definitions and measurement tools. In sport field, it closely related to the roles in the team. Moreover, the factors such as different competition levels, athlete's age, and role perception would also influence sports team cohesion, participation willingness and training satisfaction. This study aimed to describe the definitions and measurement tools of team cohesion through the literature review. Then summarized the literature on team cohesion, proposed research gaps, and provided suggestions for future directions of research. Accordingly, to provide athletes and coaches a better understanding of team cohesion and improve sports team training, which would enhance team mental quality and other abilities in the future sports training practice management.


Sports performance Sports team Unity Sport training


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