  • 期刊

Inflammatory Dentigerous Cyst: A Rare Cause of Facial Cellulitis



Most commonly occurring odontogenic cysts in the oral cavity are radicular cysts and dentigerous cysts. The inflammatory dentigerous cyst is a subtype of dentigerous cyst, which is characterized by a less aggressive behavior and a low recurrence rate. The histogenesis mechanism of inflammatory dentigerous cysts may be periapical inflammation caused by the diffusion of nonvital deciduous teeth to the successors' follicle. Inflammatory dentigerous cysts become serious complications, such as potentially life-threatening cellulitis, which is rare in children. We report a rare case of facial cellulitis with inflammatory dentigerous cyst arising from tooth 75 in a 9-year-old girl and review the literature for this unusual finding. It was treated successfully by antibiotic medication and marsupialization of the inflammatory dentigerous cyst.


口腔中最常見的齒源性囊腫(odontogenic cyst)是根尖囊腫(radicular cyst)和含齒囊腫(dentigerous cyst)。炎性含齒囊腫(inflammatory dentigerous cyst)是含齒囊腫的亞型之一,其特徵是侵犯性較小且復發率低。形成炎性含齒囊腫的組織學機制可能是失活乳齒的根尖發炎擴散到繼生齒的濾泡。對於兒童,很少見到炎性含齒囊腫發生會威脅到生命的蜂窩性組織炎(cellulitis)。這是一項嚴重的併發症。本篇報告一位九歲女童,左下第二乳臼齒引起炎性含齒囊腫併發顏面蜂窩性組織炎的罕見病例報告,並進行文獻回顧。本病例使用抗生素及對炎性含齒囊腫進行造袋術(marsupialization),提供了成功的治療。
