  • 期刊


Dental Treatment of Patients with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome: Two Case Reports


Lennox-Gastaut症候群(Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, LGS)是一種少見且嚴重的癲癇症候群,這類患者會有難以用藥物控制的癲癇發作,一天內可能會發作數次。通常還會合併智能障礙與腦性麻痺。患者全身狀況複雜、照顧不易,相較於一般人更容易罹患齲齒與牙齦炎等口腔疾病,且由於長期服用多種抗癲癇藥物,有時也可見到明顯牙齦增生的副作用。在臨床治療上,由於有難以控制的癲癇,隨時都有可能發作,故在牙科治療時也是一大挑戰。本文討論兩例LGS的青少年患者,他們在疾病嚴重程度、口腔狀況、癲癇控制方面皆有極大不同。但類似的是,兩案例口內皆有多數齲齒與大量的牙菌斑,且在全身麻醉下進行全口重建治療。治療此類患者時,需要跨領域的治療團隊,才能為他們提供最佳的治療選擇。此外,還需要照護者的合作,維持良好口腔衛生,才能進一步長期改善患者口腔健康與生活品質。


Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) is an uncommon and severe epilepsy syndrome. The seizures may attack everyday, and they are frequently resistant to multiple antiepileptic drugs. Most patients with LGS have a degree of intellectual impairment, and they are also more likely to have cerebral palsy. The general condition of the patients is complicated and it is not easy to take care of them. They are more likely to suffer from oral diseases such as dental caries and gingivitis, and patients who take a variety of antiepileptic drugs for a long time may sometimes show obvious side effects of gingival hyperplasia. The seizures may attack at any time due to uncontrollable epilepsy, which is also a major challenge for dental treatment. This case report represents two adolescents with LGS undergoing comprehensive dental treatment under general anesthesia. Both patients in this case report had differences in severity of disease, oral condition, and epilepsy control. But similarly, they had multiple dental caries and obvious plaque deposition. This case report points out that when treating such patients, a cross-disciplinary treatment team is needed to provide them with the best treatment options. It also requires the cooperation of caregivers to maintain good oral hygiene for the patient to further improve the patient's oral health in the long term.
