  • 期刊


Pillars and Operational Models of Belgian Party Politics



政黨政治建構與治理和國家主權確立及治權體制形成不可分割。當主權與治權建立在完整與穩定的基礎,政黨政治建構的功能性立基爲發展富民強國;若政黨政治建構進程因內、外局勢或人謀不臧而設下不良框架,則要背負沉重代價。 比利時建國菁英份子應當時外部國際局勢,一藉不流血獨立革命與代議制度脫離荷蘭統治;二則迎合民主潮流,藉機徹底與歐洲舊專制政治體制(Ancien Régime)切割,以爭取外部主權的國際承認。在此同時,內部政局的穩定又是外部主權承認的重要參照。爲此,比利時以功能性取向思考:一爲自由派和天主教政團的結盟,驅趕荷蘭的統治;二以君主立憲代議制爲治權體制,避開周邊荷蘭、普、奧匈等舊君主專制國家的反民主抵制,來達到穩定內、外主權的雙重功效。 俗稱「比利時的求全妥協」(compromis à la belge)或政治學謂之「協和共識型民主」(consociational democracy)的功能性取向抉擇,在比利時建國當下產生立即具體正面效果,卻在後續政黨政治與政權治理兩大場域發生持續負面效應。 本文試就比利時建國歷程剖析比利時政黨政治運作基調;續就「協和共識型民主」架構,分析負載其政黨政治的「柱植化」(verzuiling/pilarisation)體系如以運作。終就其政黨政治建構與治理模式特性試作未來國家體制之可能發展,提供評析。


The hybrid Belgian constitutional monarchy was a compromise between the Ancien Régime and modern liberal democracy. The union of two ideologically different nation-building driving forces, Liberals and Catholics, was facilitated by their common wish to seek full emancipation from Dutch rule. This pragmatic and compromise-oriented model is again in the formation of the Belgian political multiparty system. This has led to the so-called compromis à la belge and consociational democracy in the daily operation of the Belgian party system. Another characteristic is the ”verzuiling,” a process in which political parties and their affiliated agencies permeate society to such an extent that civil society is mainly carved up by the three different parties of the Catholics, Liberals and Socialists. This paper aims to discuss the above-mentioned features in the Belgian multiparty system by exploring contextual elements like nation-building, historical crises and the impasse in the 2007 federal government formation. The Belgian state structure has been constantly questioned, and its incessantly self-regulating management system à la belge serves the country's stability amidst ideological and political conflicts, and causes disputes between the two major linguistic communities.


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