  • 期刊

Adaptive Fine-grained Access Control Method in Social Internet of Things


Social Internet of Things (SloT), as a new carrier of integration of social and Internet of Things, applies the research results of social networks from different aspects of the Internet of Things. Different types of connected intelligent objects interact socially, compared with random data access between them, access control technology is more stringent. This paper integrates social attributes into attribute-based access control of Internet of Things, initializes relational attribute tags, and labels social interest attributes for different objects, then quantifies tag similarity and implements initial access control authorization, integrates social attributes into game theory to dynamically adjust access control policies, so the adaptive fine-grained division of access control under the Social Internet of Things is effectively realized. The experimental results show that our method can not only effectively carry out initial authorization according to tag similarity, but also further adaptively adjust the permission policy according to social attributes, and further meet the fine-grained partition requirements of access control, which is ensure the effective implementation of access control under the Social Internet of things.
