  • 期刊


Applying SERVQUAL and QFD to Promote Service Quality of Cultural Education Industry


本研究係以某文教機構爲研究對象,透過個案分析,探討文教產業其服務品質提昇之道。首先,本研究以SERVQUAL之五個服務品質構面爲基礎,彙整歸納國內外重要相關文獻,編製量表,利用問卷調查方式,使用SPSS10.0版之因素分析,建立顧客對文教產業服務品質之需求構面及項目;以成對T檢定針對顧客對文教產業服務品質之期望重視度與認知滿意度,進行文教產業服務品質缺口分析;再運用IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis)模式,做爲業者改善服務品質之應用。其次,本研究導入品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD),建構品質屋,俾以發掘品質技術執行項目優先順序。研究結果顯示,品質技術執行重要度依序爲「落實教師評鑑」、「人員專業訓練」、「提昇教學技巧」、及「遴聘優良師資」等。是故,建議本個案文教機構業者在人力、時間、資金及成本等之考量下,可對此四項品質技術進行優先改 善。此外,由服務品質缺口分析與IPA分析結果,建議其須能深入瞭解顧客期望重視度與認知滿意度落差較大之項目,以作爲其落實服務品質,並進而提昇文教產業競爭力之重要參考。


This research conducted a survey of a well known cultural education institute through questionnaires synthesized from relevant literature based on the five dimensions of service quality of the SERVQUAL model. It used the SPSS 10.0, statistical analysis software, to analyze the service quality factors and customers' requirements of the cultural educational institute. The study attempted to investigate the customers' expectations and perceptions of each service quality item for the cultural education industry. It first performed the gap analysis of service quality using paired T-test. Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) was then employed to provide reference of improving service quality for management. Furthermore, the research constructed a House of Quality with the steps of quality function deployment (QFD) to sort the technical requirements by their importance. The top four most important technical requirements are as follows: ”implementation of teacher evaluation,” ”professional training of employees,” ”improvement of teaching skills,” and ”employment of quality teachers.” Finally, the research suggests that for enhancing service quality and competitive advantages the cultural educational institute in this case can primarily carry out the above leading aspects under the considerations of human resource, timing, and cost. Additionally, according to the results of gap analysis and IPA, the cultural educational institute is advised to emphasize more the customers' most concerns.


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