  • 期刊


The Study of the Key Factors for Investors to Choose Securities Trading mobile APP Service


近年來金融3.0 引起廣大的迴響,金融數位化、行動化將是必然的趨勢,證券業正面臨與全球金融同業一樣的挑戰,首當其衝的是科技進步使顧客行為改變,證券投資者下單的地方與方式也隨之而變,同時也改變證券實體通路與投資者互動的質與量。因此,證券產紛紛提升行動交易APP服務,藉以留住客戶,並提高對客戶的貢獻度與客戶滿意度。本研究彙整相關文獻及專家意見,探討投資者選擇行動交易APP 服務的關鍵考量,期能提供證券業與相關業者於APP 開發與實務管理上之參考。本研究使用德爾菲法專家意見整理出3 大構面與12 項評估準則,再針對有開證券戶並常常使用證券交易行動應用程式進行交易的人士發放問卷填答。以層級分析法得到前六大重要性依序為:系統即時穩定、交易安全隱私、操作簡易便捷、手續費優惠、資訊豐富、支援多元平台,較不具關鍵評估準則為畫面美觀、商品集中整合。


In recent years, 「Finance 3.0 Plan」causes a broad response. The securities industry is facing a financial service challenge. The technological development makes customer behavior changed,and the quality and quantity of interaction with investors are changed. Securities raised mobile APP service operations to retain customers, and increased customer satisfaction. Therefore, to investigate what the key factors the investors choose the securities trading APP service are, this research aggregated key relevant literature reviews and expert opinions. This research used Delphi expert questionnaire method to sort out the three major facets and 12 evaluation criteria, and then used Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) to get the top six influential factors in order. These main crucial six indexes are as follows: system instantly stable, transaction security and privacy, the simple and convenient operation, commission deduction, rich information, pluralistic platform supporting. The less critical indexes are beautiful picture and commodities centralized integration.


Mobile Application Securities Delphi Method AHP


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