  • 期刊


The Preliminary Study of Risk Management of "One Belt and One Road" Initiative




China's One Belt, One Road initiative is an important opportunity and challenge of building international connectivity for their participated countries as it seeks closer economic and political ties with the region. If successfully, it will increase connectivity among the countries to boost international investment, trade and the movement of people. In order to implement the projects, China has already initiated the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Silk Road Fund to promote it abroad. This paper proposes a blended method, which is with failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) and "Political, Economic, Social, Technology", PEST analysis. It is able to provide an insight of problem with quantitative result for decision-maker. We will set an effective procedure of the dynamic risk management models. The quantitative study will make an quick emergency operations and measures in order to reduce the impact of risks.


OBOR Geo-economic Strategy FMEA


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