  • 期刊


The Analysis and Application of Integrated Marketing Advertising and Promotion




Over the past few years, the problem of food safety in the market has also become increasingly more and more serious. The proportion of people's cancer has been rising. It has aroused people's awareness of health and fitness, and gradually eliminated chemical additives products market, making it possible for micro-entrepreneurs. Based on the theory of integrated marketing advertising and promotion, this paper finds that consumers have 14 incentives to purchase the product through a panel discussion interview. Furthermore, after 135 questionnaire surveys, it was found through important performance analysis that the main advantage of this product is that it does not contain sugar, pure natural, and the product ingredients can be easily recognized by the public, thirst, and reduce body fat. The disadvantage is that the price is reasonable, try to try, prevent skin aging. Finally, based on this research, it is found that relevant practical proposals are proposed for the reference of micro-entrepreneurs.


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