  • 期刊


Personnel Performance Analysis of Care Service Process in Residential Long-term Care Institution by Using System Simulation Method




Taiwan officially entered the old age society in March, 2018. The problem that comes with it is the chronic diseases and physical deterioration that often occur in the elderly. Therefore, the Taiwan government has proposed long-term care services act to solve an increase in the demand for elderly care. Residential long-term care institutions provide important institutional care services for Long-Term Care Services Act. However, maintaining institutional operations requires a lot of manpower costs. Among them, nursing assistants and nurses account for a large part of the care service, and the care services has immediate demand. How to maximize the utilization of personnel while maintaining the quality of service provided for residents will be an important issue for the long-term care, so how to adjust and configure the existing human resources is an urgent issue for institutional operators. This study will use the Arena system simulation software to construct a general simulation model of residential long-term care institutions by systematic simulation method, and conduct research with cases, and perform personnel performance simulation analysis through various staff scheduling settings. The data obtained will be analyzed and discussed by statistical analysis software. Finally, the staffing plan proposed by several schemes is proposed by using the analysis results, so as to provide the institutional operators as the reference basis for various manpower configuration adjustments.


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