  • 期刊


A Study on Risk Indices of P2P Network Lending Platforms




Most Taiwanese are still quite unfamiliar with P2P Network Lending. This study observes the domestic and international development experiences, the collection of relevant literature and the experts' opinions to explore the key indicators of the P2P network lending platform risks. Through the Delphi method, this study sorts out the 3 major facets and 17 assessment criteria. 35 experts with more than 5 years of experience in bank credit business and understanding P2P network lending transactions are invited as examiners of AHP questionnaire. The result of this study shows that the main crucial six indexes are as follows: message transparency, credit review, platform default, social opinion, platform volume, and internal control management. Finally, based on the summary of analysis results, this study provides recommendations for P2P network lending platform investors, platform operators and government agencies to establish appropriate management and regulation.


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