  • 期刊


Research on Rescue Decision- Making after a Massive Earthquake- A Case Study of Wei Guan- Jin Long Search and Rescue Mission




The collapse of the "Wei Guan-Jing Long " complex in Yong Kang District in Tainan City, which happened during the earthquake on February 6th , 2016, is the most tragic incident in terms of casualties in a single housing complex. The entire incident resulted in 115 deaths. The rescue mission was extremely difficult due to its complex structure which is composed of 7 buildings, with overlapped floors in the rubble making the rescue even more challenging. It's worth noting that the effectiveness of the search and rescue in this event has been affirmed by all parties, and the most critical point is the timing and method of intervention for concrete crusher. In this study, 13 main commanders and decision makers, dedicated to the rescue mission of Yong Kang - Wei Guan building, are selected to respond to the questionnaire survey, to further obtain the numerical weight and priority to each element in different facets. The result of the survey indicates that the facet of "site safety" is the primary consideration for decision makers when using the heavy machinery, including the safety of rescuers, the safety of the trapped persons and the safety of the surrounding environment. Furthermore, this outcome is consistent with the prerequisites for the disaster rescue both in the domestic and international disaster rescue guidelines. It is the inevitable trend to apply the heavy machinery on the search and rescue in earthquake-stricken areas with collapsing large buildings. Therefore, it is an issue worthy of research and discussion on how to properly use heavy machinery to speed up search and rescue, especially for victims trapped in the deep underground.


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