  • 期刊


The Development of Taiwan's Hospitality Higher Education from the Hospitality Higher Education in the U. K. and Switzerland




餐旅教育 比較教育 餐旅 課程


The purposes of this study were: (1) to analyze the developmental trends and internationalization in hospitality higher education, the development and implementation of the curricula and accreditation of hospitality education program in the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Taiwan; (2) to reflect on and propose recommendations for the development of Taiwan's hospitality education. In this study the following methods were used: document analysis and interview proof. Our recommendations for the development of hospitality education in Taiwan were: (1) increased international competitiveness to meet future hospitality market demand;(2) formulating of goals for hospitality education in Taiwan; (3) curriculum planning to satisfy needs and accord with current trends, along with standardization of core curricula, diversification of professional courses and interconnection among hospitality courses; (4) Alliance and cooperation: Strategic cooperation between teachers, researchers, and industries will better curriculum planning for hospitality departments and schools and interdepartmental, inter-school, and even international cooperation and enhance cooperation between industries and academics to create a better learning environment which has abundant resources, is flexible and is helpful in developing students' international perspectives and professional capabilities.


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