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The Psychosocial Study on Suicide, Exampled by Depressive Patients


本研究以質性爲主、量化爲輔,採立意取樣,選取服役中憂鬱症患者30位爲研究對象。調查其生活經驗結果顯示:26.67%有家人自殺。父母關係是疏離或衝突者43.33%。33.33%小時曾受虐待。於少年時和同儕關係是衝突及疏離的20%。自殺時和異性好友的關係是衝突或疏離30%。 入伍後第一次自殺的時間,70%在六個月之內。入伍後自殺次數最多者五次。自殺總次數最高者二十多次。從有自殺想法到有自殺行爲,最短者在一天之內,最長者達九年。自殺地點有半數是在部隊。最近這次自殺方式有半數是割傷身體。自殺器材以利用現場最多。自殺時73.33%是沒人在場。自殺後73.33%未出現求生意念。自殺後63.33%未求助。從自殺到被發現的時間43.33%是在一小時以內。70%患者在自殺時決意殺死自己。若同樣的狀況再發生,40%會再自殺。 根據訪談結果發現:軍中自殺確實不全是部隊因素造成的,而是潛藏著各種不同的社會心理因素。同一個案可能有雙重或多重因素,歸納服役中憂鬱症患者自殺的社會心理因素爲:(一)、人際關係因素:包含同袍、親人、男女、朋友。(二)、個人因素:包含價值觀、學業、個性、疾病、情緒。(三)、經濟因素。(四)、法律因素。


自殺 社會心理 服役 憂鬱


This study combined with quantitative and quantitative approaches in which 30 males currently served in the army were recruited by purposive sampling. They all diagnosed major depression. Results of the living experience questionnaire indicated that 26.67% of them had family history of suicide, 43.33% for conflict parents' relationship, and 33.33% for being abused during their childhood. 20% of those cases showed an aloof or conflict relationship with colleagues during childhood, while in committing suicide, almost one-third of them had a distant or conflict relationship with girlfriends. Up to 70% of cases committed suicide within 6 months after joining the army. Among those suicidal behavior can be counted 5 times as the highest after joining the army, with the total of 20 times from the beginning. The time period from the suicide idea to real action varied from 1 day at the least, and 9 years at the most. About half of the suicides were happened in the army. 50% of the latest suicide is to cut body by using nearby tools. 73.33% suicides happened without others on spot, 73.33% of them had no survival desire, and 63.33% of them were unwilling to seek help after the suicidal behavior. 43.33% of them were discovered in 1 hour, however 70% of the suicide cases were eager to be killed. If things were not changed, 40% of which will do suicide again. The interviewing result indicates that the suicidal behavior in army are not all resulted from the military issues, there are various psychosocial factors in hidden. In any chosen case, it may be influenced by two or multiple factors. The psychosocial factors for the depressive patients with suicide during military service included interpersonal relationship among peers, family members, and girlfriend. The individual factors, on the other hand, might include their valuing concept, school performance, personality trait, physical and mental condition, and even economic and legal issues.


Suicide Psychosocial in Army Service Depression


