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Gestalt and the Poet's Self in John Keats's "Hyperion" and "The Fall of Hyperion"



In "Hyperion" and "The Fall of Hyperion," John Keats, with his negative capability, displays both gestalt and his own self in three aspects (1) the significance of beauty: unlike many other critics, he regards beauty as containing both pleasure and pain, while this unique assertion marks his own individuality; (2) the description of a poet's identity: rejecting a fixed identity, he assumes multiple roles, and (3) the presentation of the fall of the Titans: he rewrites Greek mythology by presenting them as suffering together, not as wandering alone separately. Although gestalt exalts the "whole" above the "part" in importance, and Keats also negates the identity of a poet, yet his own peculiar self is still clearly revealed.


John Keats Negative Capability Hyperion Gestalt Self


在〈海皮里昂〉及〈海皮里昂之衰亡〉中,濟慈以其「否定能力」(negative capability)在三方面展現了「格式塔」(gestalt)與其「詩人自我」:(一)「美」之重要性:和許多其他論者主張不同,濟慈認為「美」是「力量」,包含了「悲」與「喜」,然而如此主張,卻更彰顯他獨特的自我;(二)詩人身分:「否定能力」使詩人拒絕固定身分,從而扮演多種角色;(三)對「泰坦」(Titans)受苦的描寫:濟慈改編希臘神話,描繪他們選擇一起受苦,而非各自漂流。雖然濟慈宣稱詩人「沒有自我」,且「格式塔」重「全局」更勝於「個人」,可是他的「自我」依然鮮明。


濟慈 否定能力 海皮里昂 格式塔 自我


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