  • 期刊


Elementary School Teachers Use of a Nature Trail for Outdoor Environmental Education: Keelung's Lion Nature Trail as a Case Study




This study explores how elementary school teachers in Keelung City use the Lion Nature Trail for outdoor environmental education. For this case study interviewed six teachers whose schools are close to the Lion Nature Trail, and who had used it for outdoor environmental education. This study considers their teaching methods to understand their difficulties and demands when using natural trails for outdoor environmental education. The study also discusses teaching reflections, and the results can serve as a reference for teachers to use natural trails for outdoor environmental education. The findings of research are as follows: 1. The size of the school affects the praxis of outdoor environmental education. 2. Using outdoor environmental education, teachers can actively connect to students' life experience. 3. The planning content of the teaching route depends on the characteristics and functions of the scenic locations. 4. Environmental education issues should be integrated and properly combine the needs of students' local experience, interests and physical and mental development. 5. Good environmental explanations can improve learning quality and enhance teaching effectiveness. (6) It is important to consider the risks of outdoor environmental education and the integration of related supporting resources. This study finds that students can better understand their local ecological environment and cultural and historical backgrounds, appreciate natural changes, experience the beauty of nature, and care for their own environment.


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