  • 期刊


Awakening on the Track: Two Junior High School Physical Education Teachers' Curriculum Consciousness in practice of the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model




The teacher is aware that the problem of the curriculum produces awareness of the curriculum through the process of practicing the curriculum. The purpose of this study was to examine the physical education teachers' curriculum consciousness in practice of the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSRM) and analyze three levels of curriculum consciousness: awareness of professional knowledge, self and environment. One female and male junior high school PE teachers who practiced TPSRM were the two participants on the curriculum track. Narrative research approach was used to collect data by interviews, observations and document analysis. The two teachers grew and developed their professional knowledge through narrating their awareness and reflection. The results presented the two teachers' lonely and challenging stories including the awareness of professional knowledge, self and environment as the following: 1. Awareness of professional knowledge: Teachers enhanced their curriculum consciousness through the knowledge of learners in practicing TPSRM. 2. Self-awareness: The two teachers focused the teaching philosophy on the attitude of interacting with others and this would be influenced by the external factors. 3. Awareness of environment: The two teachers were well aware of the influence of society, parent, school organization and policy; they made adjustment in practicing TPSRM to reach a balance point. According to the process of consciousness, two suggestions were made: 1. The awareness of teachers' curriculum consciousness in TPSRM should be upgraded. 2. Considering the use of teaching strategies to break through the restrictions of time and environment is to implement TPSRM more systematically and effectively.


賴姍姍、王克武(2002)。導師領導、班級支持對班級承諾、班級凝聚力及成績表現之影響:以嶺東技術學院90 學年度班際盃拔河錦標賽及大隊接力的參賽班級為例。大專體育學刊。4(2),45-54。
