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The developing issues and retrospection of Taiwan's Sports Documentaries (1999~2020)




紀錄片 運動文化 再現 真實 媒體素養


Into 21th century, Taiwan's sports documentaries are blooming. Documentary film of sporting issues has produced the power to criticize on society with real survey and construct sports culture profusely. Therefore, it is necessary to comb those developing issues of Taiwan's sports documentaries. However, production and representation of documentary doesn't exit without social reality and historical context. In fact, early development of sports documentaries was inherited the nutrient from political democratization and social diversification in 1980. Especially, the documentary of "The Red Leaf legend" honored golden horse prize in 1999. This film was equipped with independent viewpoint that separate itself from official propaganda and ideology. Until 2020, this research collect 78 sporting documentary and divided them into nine categories, those films investigated by the concept of media literacy to explore the film themes and developing issues of Taiwan's sports documentaries. Findings reveal that sports documentaries not merely deconstruct the " legend of Little League Baseball " , criticize the sporting policy and environment, promote the sporting culture, pay attention to the representation of female subject, highlight the empowerment of sporting culture, problematize the education and career development, prioritize the green issue, challenge the existing age discrimination, and also put a worry to organic connection between documentaries and corporate PR. Documentary has the potential to know the reality, to dig the truth, to challenge authority and construct our history. Based on the filming outcomes of diversity and care with disadvantaged social groups, sport documentary had become a sharp implement with media literacy to empower the audiences around our society.


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