  • 期刊


Transformation from Professional Knowledge to Home Medicine: Treatment and Care of Chinese and Western Medicine to the Flu during the Period of the Republic of China




流行性感冒 傳染病 中醫 治療法 醫療史


In traditional China, the publications of medical knowledge were mostly classic medical literatures. Hereditary physicians or literati physicians showed certain degree of competence of professional reading and written comprehension. Although popular medical literatures in Ming and Qing dynasty resulted in prevalence of medical knowledge, the public mainly obtained the books of prescription and medicine. Knowledge diffusion was limited. From the late Qing period, with the introduction of new journals, medical knowledge became colloquial instead of difficult theories. By the terms such as "domestic expense", "home" and "basic", they directly published the effective prescriptions in people's daily lives. Original professional knowledge of illness still expanded in classic medical literatures or publications in medical circle and it was parallel with popular knowledge in the journals. This study focuses on "the flu", explores the transformation and presentation of the said knowledge and discusses the underlying meanings.


皮國立,〈大流感時期(1918-1920)的物質文化:基於身體、防病與藥品的考察〉,「言必有物:近現代中國的物與物質文化」工作坊(上海:復旦大學中外現代化進程研究中心,2015 年 5 月 16-17 日),未刊稿。
這些研究是基於科技部「醫療、疾病與社會--民國時期對流感(Influenza)疫情的認識與應對」主題計畫,編號(103-2410-H-033 -007 -MY2)的系列成果
謝觀,《中國醫學源流論》(福州:福建科學技術出版社,2003 年),頁 48-49。
李建民,《旅行者的史學─中國醫學史的旅行》(臺北:允晨文化,2009年),特別是頁 103-127。
Angela Ki Che Leung(梁其姿), “Medical Instruction and Popularization in Ming-Qing China,” Late Imperial China 24:1 (June 2003), pp 130-152.
