  • 期刊


History of Influenza in Modern Taiwan and the Role of Chinese Medicine, 1949-2019




The global pandemic of influenza has been a concern of the world. Past medical history mostly paid attention to the roles of western medicine and the public health system in the society of Taiwan, however, the focus on the effect of Chinese medicine in the past pandemics is absent. What is the relation between Chinese medicine and the modern illness history of Taiwan? A study should be conducted using influenza as an example. When the pandemic of influenza in 1918 struck Taiwan and to the whole East Asia society, many people fought back the illness by Chinese medicine. However, with the successive introduction and reinforcement of western medicine, the role of Chinese medicine became ambiguous. Thus, this study intends to explore the relation between the modern pandemic of influenza in Taiwan and Chinese medicine and the possibility to cope with the situation via Chinese medicine. Due to the limitation on the article length and since the pandemic of influenza happens every year or every several years, this study only discussed the more serious and controversial aspects of the influenza pandemic. The experience of influenza treatments by specific Chinese medicine not shown in public media was excluded from the discussion for the prevention of losing the focus of this study. After giving a rough situation of the pandemic, the analysis focused on clarifying the general publics' method in fighting against the pandemic, probing into the role of Chinese medicine and elaborating on the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese medicine.


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