  • 期刊


Discussing the Linkage between the Stock Prices Index of Emerging Market and Taiwan




This paper using Cointegration, VAR, Granger Causality test, Impulse Response Analysis, Variance Decomposition techniques to investigate the lead-lag relationship linkage between the stock price index of Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Mexico, we get the results as following: First, Taiwan stock market and Emerging Market between no evident cointegration. Second, the Granger Causality test reveals that Thailand, Philippines, and Mexico stock markets lead Taiwan stock market. Only between Thailand and Philippines stock markets have feedback relationship. Mexico stock market is the most influential among six markets, it leads of Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia stock markets. Both Thailand and Philippines stock markets lead Taiwan and South Korea stock markets. Indonesia stock market leads South Korea. Both Taiwan stock market and South Korea stock market have not influence in leading the rest of other five markets. Third, as for the analysis of impulse response reveals that very market has impulse at the first period, and impulse decrease gradually. No matter effects are positive and negative the impulse response last for three or four periods at each market. Finally, analysis of variance decomposition shows that each variable has mainly interpretative ability for itself. And the interpretative ability of Mexico market among six markets is highest, followed by Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, and South Korea stock market.


