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Impact Analysis of Coronavirus-19 to Cruise Line Industry


新冠病毒疫情使全球陷入停頓狀態,而其中更以旅遊業受到最嚴重影響。根據聯合國世界觀光組織(UNWTO)估計, 國際旅遊在2020年第一季已經下降22%,與2019相比,全年估計下跌60-80%。至2020年三月為止已減少6700萬國際遊客,折合約800億美元產值。新冠病毒疫情使產值450億美元的郵輪產業取消所有航線,希望透過各種方式控制驚恐遊客對於產業所造成之影響。此一產業也積極努力降低使病毒再度感染郵輪人員之風險。郵輪產業過去就曾經面臨包含病毒與水痘等健康危機,但也能夠回復過往。因為鑽石公主號郵輪疫情使整個產業失去遊客以及取消船班,這些郵輪公司股價也應聲下跌超過20%。本研究分析郵輪產業發展現況以及新冠病毒對於郵輪產業之衝擊,並提出對於郵輪產業發展之建議。


新冠病毒 郵輪產業


The worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 has brought the world to a standstill, and tourism has been the worst affected of all major economic sectors. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a 22% fall in international tourist arrivals during the first quarter of 2020, the latest data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) shows. According to the United Nations specialized agency, the crisis could lead to an annual decline of between 60% and 80% when compared with 2019 figures, 67 million fewer international tourists up to March translates into US$80 billion in lost exports Coronavirus concerns have pushed the $45 billion cruise line industry to cancel trips and reroute ships as it struggles to contain the impact from fearful travelers. The industry is really erring on side of caution to reduce the risk of introducing virus on board this ship. The cruise industry has previously faced and recovered from health outbreaks before, including norovirus and chickenpox. With the horrific debacle of the Diamond Princess dominating headlines and cruise ships losing customers and canceling trips due to the coronavirus, it's no wonder stocks of those companies have dropped some 20% year to date. This study focus on the impact of Coronavirus-19 to cruise line industry, proposed some conclusions and suggestions for the future development for the cruise line industry.


Coronavirus-19 Cruise Line Industry


