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Research of the Correlations between the Scoring Skills and the Results of Beach Volleyball Competitions- A Case Study of 2019 World Championships


目的:探討沙灘排球各項技術得分因素對比賽勝負之相關影響,瞭解世界頂尖女子沙灘排球比賽勝、負技術取向,做為日後評定沙灘排球技術訓練之重點與比賽應用之參考。方法:本研究採系統觀察法(Observation Method),以2019年世界沙灘排球錦標賽女子組前三十二強32場78局比賽內容為研究對象,所得數據資料採用描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗,與二元羅吉斯迴歸等統計方法進行處理。結果:一、主動得分技術加總為2098次占75.56%;被動得分技術加總為679次占24.45%,比例約為3.2比1,其中得分技術排序前三為虛攻、強攻,與反攻虛攻;二、主動得分技術(發球、攔網、反攻強攻、與反攻虛攻),與被動得分技術(強攻失誤,與虛攻失誤)等六項技術在勝、負局表現上達顯著差異(p < . 05);三、經二元羅吉斯迴歸分析達顯著相關(p< . 05)技術,含發球、強攻、攔網、反攻強攻與反攻虛攻,發生次數愈多,該局獲勝機率愈大;反之,在強攻失誤和虛攻失誤上,發生次數愈多,該局獲勝的機率愈小。結論:建議日後之訓練與比賽首重於「防守反攻」:先著重於發球的破壞性,加上提升攔網與反攻強、虛攻之成功率,同時針對被動攻擊失誤技術(強、虛攻)之失分因素加以改善,熟練並完善其技術。


The purpose of the research was to probe into the correlations between score skills and the victory or defeat of the top level women beach volleyball in the world, and understood what skills that influenced the results of the matches as the directions of training and the reference for future matches. Methods: Observation Method was used as the study method, and the study sampled top 32 women beach volleyball teams and collected the data from the 2019 Beach Volleyball World Championships (32 matches, 78 sets in total). The statistic methods adapted were descriptive statistics, t-test, and Binary logistic regression analysis. Results: (1) the sum of the actively scoring skills were 2098 (75.56%) & the passively ones were 679 (24.45%), the rate (about 3.2:1). In addition, top 3 ranking skills scores were technical shot, hard spike, and counter technical shot. (2) the actively scoring skills (service, block, counterattack- spike and technical shot) & passively ones (errors of spike and technical shot) were significantly related to the win-lose results (p < . 05). (3) There were significant correlations between actively scoring skill (service, hard spike, block, counterattack- spike and technical shot) & passively one (errors of spike and technical shot) to Binary logistic regression analysis (p < . 05). As a conclusion, focusing on "counter attack" during the training & matches was suggested by advancing the destructive serving firstly, plus improving blocking & counter attack as well as reducing errors of spike & technical shot in order to improve & master the skills.


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